
Contact Us

We take each patient inquiry with immense care. Please complete the form to connect with our staff. Also, do not disclose any detailed medical information on this form for your privacy. Our staff will be in touch shortly to assist.

waiting room


1220 Hobson Rd., Ste 220, Naperville, IL, 60540

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you accept insurance?

    We are in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. To discuss other options, please call our office. 

    What do I need for my first appointment?

    Along with new patient paperwork, it is important to have all relevant scans and reports that you have recieved in the past. This including MRI and CT scans and any blood work that is related to your current condition. 

    How can I send over my previous medical history?

    Please contact your doctor and give them our number to arrange a transfer of your medical records. 

    What conditions do you treat?

    We treat many conditions that deal with brain injury, behavioral/mood function, neurological decline, vertigo and executive function issues.

    What is your cancellation policy?

    We understand that schedules change and appreciate 24 hour notice in the event that you need to reschedule your appointment.

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